Like the moon which effects tides, so does the current in all things follow suit.

North Star
What is Astrology?

In the Vedic tradition, astrology is not meant to predict the future. Vedic astrology predicts principally, the results of your past karma where the only way to counteract the results of your past karma is through our present karma.

Therefore, astrology is meant to direct you and to help develop your positive qualities, providing you with guidance for eradicating the factors or qualities that lead you ultimately to misfortune.

Elemental Astrology

My study is to gain an understanding about astrology and planets for the traditions of healing I practice. I wished to gain an insight in to meditative healing traditions, where they use astrological principals to aid in diagnoses and treatment of certain conditions.

My realization was that in all manifestations there is a path from these five elemental aspects of the universe. Using these base elemental principals I have created this web service which uses astrology to determine from your natal aspects your current dosha health attributes.

Planets in Vedic Astrology
Vata Pitta Kapha
Saturn Sun Moon
Mercury Mars Venus
Rahu Ketu Jupiter
Astrological Signs
Air Fire Earth Water
Gemini Aries Taurus Cancer
Libra Leo Virgo Scorpio
Aquarius Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces
Planetary Health Information
Vata Pitta Kapha
Saturn Sun Moon
Bone Structure Heart/Blood Plasma/Bodily Fluids
Mercury Mars Venus
The Nervous System The Muscular System The Reproductive System
Rahu Ketu Jupiter
Plagues/Pandemics/Mysterious Illnesses Psychological Illness Cause/Effect Fat/Bulk Weight
Planetary Elements
Vata Pitta Kapha
Saturn Sun Moon
Air Fire Water
Mercury Mars Venus
Ethereal Fire Water
Rahu Ketu Jupiter
Air Fire Earth